Friday 8 November 2019

LDS Epistemology in Bullet Points

1. The definition of "Knowledge" is believing without doubt.
- Ether 3:19

2.  You have to WANT to believe in the proposition/principle.
Alma 32:27
(BTW, Alma 32's contribution to LDS epistemology is discussed further here)

3. You have to ACT as though you believe in the proposition/principle
- Alma 32: 28-34

4. You have to CLAIM that you believe in the proposition/principle
- Boyd K. Packer: The Candle of the Lord," Ensign, Jan. 1983, pp. 54-55
- Dallin H. Oaks: General Conference, April 2008

5.    a. Don't have doubts
- Mormon 9:2
5.   b. Don't not believe
- Alma 32:28

6. Don't let your guard down, even AFTER YOU KNOW the proposition principle is true, you have to keep on making an effort to believe.
- Alma 32: 38

7. If you don't believe, try harder. The problem is not that the proposition is false, the problem is with you. You didn't try hard enough.
- Alma 32: 38-39, Moroni 10: 3-5
(Moroni's Promise is discussed at length here)

8. Believing without doubt is virtuous, the key to unlocking access to God
- Alma 32: 40-41
- Ether 3: 19-28

9. The definition of truth: truth and knowledge are not always treated as independent concepts. (Truth ought to be what a belief is potentially about, knowledge is a subcategory of beliefs (beliefs that are true and justified)). Failure to distinguish truth from knowledge can explain why somebody could say “well whose truth are we talking about?’ or “what’s true for you is not true for me.”
- D&C 93:24


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