Saturday 20 April 2019

Sin Does Not Exist (in Sunstone)

I have an article, Sin Does Not Exist in Sunstone Magazine (188).
It is a version of Zeus’s Thunderbolt, Euthyphro’s Dilemma, and the Eliminative Reduction of Sin, which was quite lengthy.
Credit to Stephen Carter for an excellent job editing it down to a length that would fit, and for suggesting and making revisions to make it more Sunstone friendly.
Edited to add--Stephen Carter described the essay as "a game changer." One reader on Reddit commented "Whoa. That sunstone article was intense. Pretty much moved me from nondenominational Christian to agnostic in the space of half an hour or so."


  1. This was quite a long article. What I understand from it is your final thought, that you simply want the church to teach principles of morality and sin, differently and/or better then it does currently. I think anyone can get behind that. It's a fine message and one that we can use. All good organizations should strive to improve how it relates to others and to the society it interacts with.

    Don't know what all that other nonsense was for. I'm actually surprised sunstone published it. But that may be on me. I thought better of its editors. That they would be able to catch simple fallacies, bias, and know what first year philosophy bull shit looked like. I expected they would be a little more selective with work that presents a great deal of ignorance of other scholarly work addressing many of its core concepts. But I must be mistaken.

    Mr. Bellrock, I would like to offer you this unsolicited advice: stick to what your actual point is. It tells a much better story. You want the church to teach morals better. That's great. You can skip the smoke screen philosophy 101 bull. It isn't your strength and hurts your credibility with those better educated.
